Prayer Shawl Ministry

Where and When? Home of Marilyn Wendt, 26 Harvey Street, Anglesea

Phone 0427750369

Tuesday from 2 to 4pm (Except January)

Each shawl is a gift to members of our community from the Aireys Inlet Uniting Church.

We work with yarn to knit the shawl and we yarn with each other on topics that will help us walk the Christian walk to make a difference in our community, all while our shawls are growing. Many blessings are knitted into every shawl.

The knitter be-gins each shawl with a prayer for the recipient. Intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. When the shawl is complet- ed it is offered a final blessing before being sent along its way. Thus, the blessing is rippled from person to person, with both the giver and receiver feeling the un-conditional embrace of a loving God!

What is provided?  Every knitter is provided with instructions, enough wool to knit a shawl, needles and most importantly a prayer to say asthe knitting continues.

Help Us We need your prayers, donations of wool, money to buywool and names of possible recipients

Praver for knitters

Dear Lord, please bless these needles of mine, that I may make a shawl of strength, faith, health and love. Give this shawl the ability to comfort, the ability to heal, the ability to give strength where it is needed and of vour will it to be. May the recipient be able to know that you are with them and that they are not alone, that they are caredfor and loved and prayed for. That your loving arms are around them, to protect them for whatever reason they should need, whenever they put this shawl on. Lord, thank-you for the blessings that this shawl is given. Amen.