Oak Tree Place

Oak Tree Place at 25 Anderson Street is the hub of our outreach activities. 

We invite you to join us an enthusiastic welcome awaits you

Torquay Uniting Church, Oak Tree Place is a welcoming environment, fully equipped to provide a haven for those seeking renewal and restoration through a variety of fellowship, community service and outreach activities.

Oak Tree Place aims to provide a safe place of welcome to all seekers of God’s love.

After Worship Fellowship and Morning Tea

10:30am. All welcome.
We aim to provide an opportunity solve to worries of the world and share your concerns over a cuppa.


For Young Families

We engage with young families through the Coffee &  Kids program.

Coffee and Kids

Coffee & Kids Playgroup

play activities for pre-school children, mums dads grandparents and carers, held on Fridays 9:30-11:00am (school terms)